In 2020, the Bedell Firm celebrated a 155-year milestone. As the oldest law firm in continuous existence in Florida, the Bedell Firm strives to continue its legacy of providing comprehensive and professional legal representation to every client. Learn more about the Bedell Firm’s extensive history.
35 Years of Best Lawyers in America
Bedell Firm celebrates 35 years of attorney recognition in Best Lawyers.
Duval County School Board
Hank Coxe and Michael Lockamy assembled a team of several law firms to represent pro bono the Duval County School Board to successfully attack, for the first time in Jacksonville history, the Charter of the consolidated city and to allow Duval voters to approve a $1.9 billion capital tax to benefit the public schools.
U.S. Senate Race
Hank Coxe and Michael Lockamy assisted other Florida firms in representing clients who sued to prohibit Florida’s governor from interfering in his U.S. Senate race and intimidating local election officials and volunteers responsible for vote counting.
Criminal Law Section Chair
David Barksdale served as Chair of The Florida Bar’s Criminal Law Section.
Coxe Named to the Florida Constitution Revision Commission
Hank Coxe was named by the Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court as just one of three Florida lawyers to the Florida Constitution Revision Commission, which meets only every 20 years.
Representing The City of Jacksonville
Hank Coxe, with the assistance of Michael Lockamy, assembled a team of several law firms to represent the City of Jacksonville pro bono and secure a judgment allowing an election to stand, which approved a sales tax of $2.7 billion to cover the City’s unfunded pension liability.
Chair of The Florida Bar’s Professional Ethics Committee
Brian Coughlin served as Chair of The Florida Bar’s Professional Ethics Committee.
Ardent Advocacy for Juvenile
Brian Coughlin and Al Brooke represented a juvenile charged as an adult with second-degree murder of a family member. The outcome involved no time in adult prison.
Four Firms Represent Pro Bono Case
Hank Coxe, along with John DeVault, assembled four law firms to represent pro bono the City of Jacksonville’s first female general counsel and secured dismissal of a lawsuit challenging her right to office.
Florida Supreme Court Representation
Hank Coxe and Michael Lockamy represented three sitting Florida Supreme Court Justices in the dismissal of a matter brought by the Executive Branch, after which John DeVault won dismissal of a lawsuit aimed at removing the Justices from the merit retention ballot. Michael Lockamy was key to the success in both cases.
Five Firms Assemble
Hank Coxe assembled five law firms to successfully represent, pro bono, a 12-year-old charged with first-degree murder. The child was the youngest person in Jacksonville history to be charged with first-degree murder as an adult.)
Coxe Served as Florida Bar President
Hank Coxe served as President of The Florida Bar.
State v. Griffis
Hank Coxe’s client, after a five month trial, was acquitted of all charges including murder in State v. Griffis in Bradford County, Florida.
Corrigan Appointed U.S. District Court Judge of the Middle District of Florida
Former partner Timothy J. Corrigan was appointed by President George W. Bush to the United States District Court of the Middle District of Florida.
Cedar Bay Trial
John DeVault and the firm successfully represented Cedar Bay Generating Co. in a dispute with Florida Power & Light, represented by David Boise, obtaining a $18.5 million verdict upheld on appeal. 775 So.2d 293.
Bedell, Dittmar, DeVault, Pillans & Coxe
DeVault Served as Florida Bar President
John DeVault served as President of The Florida Bar.
Tanner Trial
John DeVault won a reversal of the criminal conviction of Anthony Tanner in the Supreme Court of the United States. Tanner v. United States, 483 U.S. 107.
Bedell, Dittmar, DeVault & Pillans
Webster Appointed Circuit Court of Duval County Judge
Partner Peter D. Webster was appointed by Governor Bob Graham as a judge to the Circuit Court of Duval County. Judge Webster in 1991 was appointed to the First District Court of Appeal.
U.S. Industries Trial
Harris Dittmar won a $38 million verdict against U.S. Industries in a civil fraud case in federal court.
Bedell, Dittmar, DeVault, Pillans & Gentry
Zehmer Appointed First District Court of Appeals Judge
Partner E. Earle Zehmer was appointed by Governor Bob Graham as a judge to the First District Court of Appeals.
Dobbert Trial
John DeVault and the firm successfully represented the guardians of two children of John Dobbert (convicted of the murder of two other of his children), against the City of Jacksonville for failure of police officers, and other city employees, to come to the aid of the children when notified of their abuse. 310 So.2d 19.
American Bar Foundation Award
Chesterfield Smith presented Chester Bedell with the American Bar Foundation award as the lawyer who for more than 50 years epitomized the best of the American Trial lawyer.
Reversal of First Degree Murder Conviction
Chester Bedell obtained in the Florida Supreme Court the reversal of Nadean McArthur’s conviction for first degree murder of her husband, Charles, owner of McArthur Dairies. 351 So.2d 972.
Smith Appointed First District Judge
Partner Robert Smith, Jr. was appointed by Governor Askew as a judge to the First District Court of Appeals.
Turner Trial
Charles Pillans represented Glenn Turner, criminally charged in 21 counts, in a nine-month trial before Judge Tjoflat resulting in a hung jury on all counts.
Gurney Trial
Harris Dittmar and Charlie Pillans represented Senator Edward Gurney, R-Fla, charged with seven counts of conspiracy, perjury and bribery, and obtained not-guilty verdicts on all counts.
McArthur Trial
Chester Bedell obtained in the Florida Supreme Court the reversal of Nadean McArthur’s conviction for first degree murder of her husband, Charles, owner of McArthur Dairies. 351 So.2d 972.
Bedell, Bedell, Dittmar & Zehmer
Bedell Serves as Organizing Chairman
Chester Bedell was organizing chairman of the Trial Lawyers Section of The Florida Bar.
Bedell, Bedell, Dittmar & Smith
Roosevelt Hotel Fire
The Bedell Firm represents the families of victims of the infamous Roosevelt Hotel fire in Jacksonville.
Bedell Co-Founds Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers
Chester Bedell and Perry Nichols of Miami founded the Academy of Florida Trial lawyers, an organization of plaintiff’s personal injury lawyers.
Bedell & Bedell Formed
Bisbee leaves the firm. George Bedell’s son Chester joins as a senior partner, creating Bedell & Bedell.
Bedell Serves as Florida State Bar Association President
George Bedell served as president of the Florida State Bar Association (predecessor of The Florida Bar).
Bedell Building Constructed
The Jacksonville Free Public Library was constructed, which would later become the home of the Bedell Firm.
A Partnership Formed
Bisbee partners with George Bedell.
Bedell Firm Founded
The Bedell Firm is founded by United States Union Army Colonel Horatio Bisbee.
The Bedell Firm’s legacy of excellence continues just as it did 155 years ago. Today, the firm’s core practice areas include civil, criminal, and family law litigation. Learn more about the firm’s history and practice.